Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 31, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: A Bible scripture calendar was on a doctor’s desk lying open to this day’s scripture.  As the patient read the scripture for today, she burst into tears because she felt that God was comforting her and telling her that He would always be with her.  The doctor gave her the scripture calendar since he saw that she was so blessed by it.  This doctor and his wife helped distribute these Holy Bible scripture calendars to people so that God’s Kingdom would be advanced and people can learn God’s promises. Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 31, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read Hebrews 13:5 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank you for your promise that you will never leave me nor forsake me. Even if I don’t feel that you are around, I know you are there by faith. Thank you for helping me hate the love of money as money is only a resource to be used for your will. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 31, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: How important is it to get God’s Word out in front of people to read?  How can you help in getting Holy Bibles or Scripture calendars into the hands of others so that God’s Word can be read everywhere in the world on a daily basis?  How can you more encourage mid-week Bible Study and prayer home groups?  Do you study the Word of God every day or just read it without remembering anything?  How can Holy Spirit help you memorize scripture? Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 30, 2021

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Header ID: 88394403  imageHeader ID: 88394403  image headerHeader ID: 88394403  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: Before the covid season, more and more events for children are run on weekends and parents seem to be taking their children to these events and skipping going to church.  Other people have to work at their jobs during church service times.  However, the real issue is that there is always time to go to church, even if it is a mid week service or have a home service with your children and teach them the Holy Scriptures and the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ so they can choose His path for eternal life.  We just have to change our priorities to line up with Jesus’ priorities!Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 30, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read Hebrews 10:25 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, People are getting so busy they are isolating themselves and even try to go to church through their television sets. I pray that we do not forsake getting together corporately to worship you and encourage one another, for loners have a tough time all by themselves.  Your house is a house of prayer and worship.  Let us go often to worship, pray and hear your leading.  Let us use Zoom and Skype meetings when needed.   In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 30, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: If you find your church boring, would you consider going to another Christian church?  Have you prayed to God to show you which church He wants you to serve in? God will lead you to a church where you can grow spiritually and learn to pray for the sick and visit the orphans and widows.  Will you have a small group Holy Bible Study in your home or set one up by Zoom or Skype?  Will you share Jesus Christ’s love, joy and peace?  How do you listen to Jesus Christ?  Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 29, 2021

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Header ID: 79373359  imageHeader ID: 79373359  image headerHeader ID: 79373359  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: A man from Africa shared a story about Jesus’ protection and living by faith.  As a boy, he was walking through the woods in his country one day when a boa constrictor (snake) fell down from a tree on top of him and quickly wrapped itself around his body to squeeze him to death.  As the snaking was squeezing him, he was so scared all he could do was to call on the name of the Lord.  As he said the word “Jesus,” the snake started to unwind itself from his body and slithered off.  There was no one else around so he knew Jesus Christ rescued him from death.Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 29, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read Romans 1:17 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let more of your righteousness be shown in me as I increase in faith. Let me live by faith and not trust in the world’s securities and ungodly insurances.  Let me trust in your plan for my life and follow that plan as I learn to pray for hours to hear your leading.  Let me study the Holy Spirits daily and pray in the spirit often.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 29, 2021

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Header ID: 10291551  imageHeader ID: 10291551  image headerHeader ID: 10291551  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: Faith increases with people sharing testimonies or reading them as revealed in this calendar.  How can you set up meetings in your church or home for others to share their testimonies so that people’s faith can be increased?  What does it mean to live by faith?  Name two other ways the Holy Scriptures talk about on how to increase your faith?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 28, 2021

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Header ID: 20088256  imageHeader ID: 20088256  image headerHeader ID: 20088256  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: One Bible teacher said that all Christians are in the Ministry whether you are a home-maker, a nurse, a plumber or in the business world.  All of us are not called to be in the public speaking ministry but all of us can work one on one with people, sharing the gospel with them, helping them to be reconciled to Jesus Christ and teaching them to become disciples to then carry out the great commission found in Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 28, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read 2 Corinthians 5:18 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You have joined us together through your Son Jesus. Jesus you have given us the ministry to save the lost and bring them into a relationship with you and the Father and Holy Spirit. I accept this ministry and will do it with your help of Holy Spirit since you do not want any person to perish in hell. In your gracious and powerful name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 28, 2021

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Header ID: 10409495  imageHeader ID: 10409495  image headerHeader ID: 10409495  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: Can you think of one lost person that you know?  How can you help that person to become a disciple of Jesus Christ?  If every Christian led one person to the Lord each year and trained that person to lead another person to the Lord each year, what impact would be made in 20 years?  Have you asked Holy Spirit for boldness so when people reject you love message of Jesus Christ, you don’t take it personally since they are not really rejecting you but Jesus. Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 27, 2021

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Header ID: 20046231  imageHeader ID: 20046231  image headerHeader ID: 20046231  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: These words were spoken by Jesus Christ to Pilate during His trial.  God is very close to those who are on trial for His sake.  Many of us who are going through the trials, feel God is distant or forgotten about us.  If our minds are quiet before the Lord so that we can hear His voice and obey His plan, He will see us through to victory for His name sake.Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 27, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read John 19:11 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let me see that you are in control of all situations. Why do I think the evil in this world is so strong when all I have to do is call on you? Thank you Jesus for being in control of my life as I surrender all to you. In your name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 27, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: Why is there evil in the world?  Why does God let us go through trials?  Do you see God in control of this world or do you think evil is in control?  Who conquered Satan at the cross 2000 years ago?  Does the Holy Scriptures say Jesus Christ has given you the keys to the kingdom of heaven?  Are you binding the devil each day and loosing the angles to bless you, your family, your assets, your ministry, your business, your neighborhoods and your governments each day according to Matthew 18:18?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 26, 2021

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Header ID: 16338226  imageHeader ID: 16338226  image headerHeader ID: 16338226  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: An Accounts Manager wanted to buy a house since he was in a small apartment.  God gave him a vision of a house with a stop sign in front of it.  The stop sign covered half the house in this vision.  Holy Spirit put on his heart to prepare for Bible College and not to buy the house.  At the time he left for Bible College, he looked at the Real Estate market and found the whole economy was way down.  He praised God he did not buy that house but used the money for Bible College instead as he would not have made a good investment in a house.Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 26, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read John 16:13 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you so much for sending Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth. Holy Spirit, I pray for truth every time I read the Bible or hear others speak. Remove everything that is false from me and seal up all the words of truth in my spirit so I will remember them and act upon them. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Footer ID: 13826981  imageFooter ID: 13826981  image headerFooter ID: 13826981  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 26, 2021

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Header ID: 43704651  imageHeader ID: 43704651  image headerHeader ID: 43704651  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions:  John 16:13 in the Holy Bible says Holy Spirit will show you things to come.  How much value do you place on future knowledge of what God wants to do?  How do you receive visions from the Lord?  Are you ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 25, 2021

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Header ID: 10211284  imageHeader ID: 10211284  image headerHeader ID: 10211284  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: MERRY CHRISTMAS!  The angels proclaimed GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST AND PEACE, GOODWILL TOWARDS ALL PEOPLE!  Receive Jesus Christ and His peace into your heart this Christmas!  I get so blessed to see families that truly worship Jesus Christ at Christmas and don’t get caught up with Santa Claus, Rudolph the reindeer or Frosty the Snowman.  I was in a house one time when a video on the life of Jesus Christ was put on the TV.  When the four year old daughter saw Jesus (in the video) on TV, she danced all over the room saying Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and then ran to the TV set and kissed Jesus on the screen thinking she was kissing Jesus.  This was true worship that not only blessed me but I am sure blessed God also. Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 25, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read Luke 2:10-11 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You love me so much that you sent your only Son to show me the way to you. Thank you for pouring out your love and peace and goodwill to all people.   I accept you Jesus into my heart and I give my heart and love to you as a present.  I love you Lord Jesus and in your name I pray.

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Footer ID: 21405904  imageFooter ID: 21405904  image headerFooter ID: 21405904  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 25, 2021

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Header ID: 19594191  imageHeader ID: 19594191  image headerHeader ID: 19594191  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: How are you celebrating Jesus’ birthday?  What present can you offer Him?  What did Jesus Christ bring into this world?  What did the wise men do when they found the young child Jesus?

Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Footer ID: 29624387  imageFooter ID: 29624387  image headerFooter ID: 29624387  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 24, 2021

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Header ID: 15917943  imageHeader ID: 15917943  image headerHeader ID: 15917943  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: Many Christians today live in safe environments where their lives are not threatened on a daily basis. I spent a lot of time at Bible College with a man from Bagdad, Iraq.  He became a Christian during the Gulf War in the early 1990s.  He told me what it is like to live in Iraq.  I pray for him since his life is in danger now that he has completed Bible College and is back in the Middle East.  I have heard of amazing miracles of Jesus protecting Christians from death!  We need to pray for all Christians being persecuted for their protection! Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Footer ID: 11438968  imageFooter ID: 11438968  image headerFooter ID: 11438968  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 24, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read John 15:13 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I ask that you will prepare me in advance if you call me to lay down my life.  Give me strength to do your will.  Thank you Jesus for laying down your life for me.  I pray for all missionaries for their protection and for miracles in their life to Glory God!  In your name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 24, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: How would your walk with Jesus Christ be different if you were in a country that was very hostile towards Christianity?  How often should we pray for Christian missionaries all over the world?  Do you pray for provision, healing and protection miracles for them?  Do you pray the blood of Jesus over you, your family, your business, your ministry and your assets every day?  What does John 10:10 say in the Holy Bible?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 23, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: One leader said “Why should anyone hear the Gospel twice before someone has heard it once.”  Too many churches are so inwardly focused they never share the good news with new people and wonder why they never grow.  I am blessed to see how God has used missionaries in places like South Korea that was mostly Buddhist and now has some of the largest Christian churches in the world. I am also blessed to see Christians ask for the baptism of Holy Spirit for power and boldness to witness for Jesus Christ!Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 23, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read Matthew 28:19-20 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I would like to go to teach nations, baptize them, and instruct them in the Holy Bible. But If I can’t go, let me help send someone else who can share the Word of God with them. Let me at least witness to all my neighbors so they can be saved and rescued from hell.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 23, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: The scripture in Matthew 28:18-20 is considered the great commission.  What part do you play in the great commission?  Are you asking Holy Spirit for more boldness to share Jesus Christ with others?  Does fear and worry stop people from witnessing?  Where is anxiety from and is God pleased with this type of fear when He has given us Holy Spirit to live inside us?   Have you asked for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire according to the scriptures?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 22, 2021

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Header ID: 59498079  imageHeader ID: 59498079  image headerHeader ID: 59498079  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: I love to talk about heaven.  Although the Holy Bible does not have much explanation about the details of heaven, this scripture does give us some insight.  Revelations, the last book in the Holy Bible,  tells us a lot about heaven also.  When people talk about heaven I find everyone’s faith is ignited. Why should we wait until we are dying to talk about heaven?  The Lords prayer has a sentence: “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”    Song writers should get most of their new song lyrics from the Holy Bible! Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 22, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read John 14:2-3 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank you for your dwelling place in heaven. Thank you Jesus for preparing a place for me and coming to receive me. Wow! What joy graduation day will be from this earth to your heaven. Let me be so obedient that you are pleased to reward me abundantly in heaven.  Let me tell others about heaven and how to receive Jesus into their hearts.  In your name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 22, 2021

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Header ID: 20737818  imageHeader ID: 20737818  image headerHeader ID: 20737818  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: Describe your thoughts of what heaven is like?  What does the Holy Bible say about heaven?  Name off as many aspects of heaven as you can?  How can you change the way you think so you think the way Jesus does?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 21, 2021

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Header ID: 25953505  imageHeader ID: 25953505  image headerHeader ID: 25953505  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: I was so blessed to hear the headquarters of one Christian denomination was going over to the headquarters of another Christian denomination to build unity and show humility.  Most people do not understand Holy scriptures regarding humility, but when you act in true Godly humility, pride is destroyed and new relationships are born out of servanthood.  Service for Jesus Christ is our calling with a humble heart. Holy Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 21, 2021

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Header ID: 19707838  imageHeader ID: 19707838  image headerHeader ID: 19707838  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read John 13:14 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let me remember this act, the lowest humbling job, that you did for others. Teach me love and humility and submission to you Lord.  Teach me to build unity in my church and be willing to serve at any job including cleaning the church, feeding the poor and doing acts of kindness that no one else sees but you.  In Jesus’ name I pray.     

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 21, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: What humbling task can you do to serve another Christian and build unity?  How can you build unity in your church?  How can you build Christian unity in the world?  What does dying to self mean in your life?  What does total surrender to Jesus Christ mean?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 20, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: In today’s fast paced society, our prayer life can be ineffective as our minds race around with different thoughts.  I have to pray many hours before my thoughts quiet down and I can be still before God.  I have made the mistake of answering my phone in the middle of my prayer time and find distractions can stir up my mind that I have to spend a while getting my mind quiet before the Lord again.  Treat your prayer time with God as a date with Jesus Christ to bring more love and intimacy into your prayer life.  Listen to God.  He will never tell you anything that contradicts His Holy Bible!  Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 20, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read Psalms 46:10 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, After I study your Holy Bible and pray, let me be still and know your peace.  Let me learn to pray in a quiet place for hours not just 5 minutes.   Give me discernment of your thoughts, for I want to be a good follower that listens to you, Jesus, my Good Shepherd. In your name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 20, 2021

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Header ID: 41711747  imageHeader ID: 41711747  image headerHeader ID: 41711747  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: How long do you have to pray before your mind becomes quiet?  How do you sense God’s presence during prayer?  How do you tell the difference between your thoughts and the leading of God in your heart?  When God speaks do you write it in your prayer journal along with the date?  Do you ask Jesus for scriptures to back up what you feel you are hearing from God?  Do you ask for His timing on what He says or do you act out in the flesh on your own timing? Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 19, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: A worship leader wrote a song about Jesus giving His life for us.  These lyrics revealed:  Jesus Christ being spat upon, struck in the face, mocked and crowned with a crown of thorns.  The song goes on to tell about the lashes ripping His back, the nails driven through His hands and feet, and the agony of hanging on the cross, in humility, pain, and suffering while taking on our sins.  The song ends with a triumphant phrase that the tomb is empty and that Jesus Christ has resurrected from the dead!  People need to visualize the price Jesus paid in laying down His life for us as well as the joy that He is alive today ready to talk to us!  What a blessing that we can commit our lives 100% to Jesus to receive eternal life in heaven with Him and be a blessing to the church on earth today!Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 19, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read John 10:11 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank you for Jesus the Good Shepherd, that even if I was the only one in the whole world, Jesus Christ would still have laid down His life for me. Let me think how powerful your love is for me Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Thank you so much for your sacrifice for me.  I owe you my life!  I give you my life!  In your name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 19, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: When you take communion, do you think of all the pain that Jesus Christ suffered for you?  How does the crucifixion affect your walk with God?  How does the resurrection of Jesus bring you comfort and joy?  How much do you think Jesus Christ loves you?  For what reason did Jesus allow himself to take the stripes ?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 18, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: One Christian had a vision of unity.  The vision had each member of the Christian team coming from a different Catholic and Protestant denomination.  The denomination name was on the back of each person’s sweater.  Jesus Christ was the captain of the Christian team and said “I have already won the victory for you on the cross, so go out and claim your victory.”  Devils made up the opposing team.  Each member of the Christian team appreciated each other as they needed to work together to claim the victory against the opposition.  Each Christian team member knew they were like soldiers on the same side.  They were God’s army and knew to stop fighting each other and start binding up the devil in Jesus mighty name!Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 18, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read 1 Corinthians 1:10 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, The devil’s trick is to destroy and divide, whether it be churches, denominations, governments, nations, families, marriages and yet we keep falling for this old trick. Let us start appreciating others for their differences, submitting to each other in love.  Let us bind up the devil every day in Jesus’ mighty name and loose the angels to bring unity and God’s love and peace in the hearts of all.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 18, 2021

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Header ID: 79630505  imageHeader ID: 79630505  image headerHeader ID: 79630505  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: Do you get caught in inter-denominational arguments?  How can you appreciate the different Christian denominations more and build unity with your teammates?  Does Satan cause divisions in churches, marriage, nations?  How often should we bind up his actions in Jesus’ name from interfering?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 17, 2021

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Header ID: 69886654  imageHeader ID: 69886654  image headerHeader ID: 69886654  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: One Bible teacher spoke on the gift of tongues, interpretation and prophecy.  The teacher explained that these words from God are not generated in your head but are from the Spirit of God talking to your spirit.  Young Christians often can not distinguish between their own thoughts and God’s thoughts as they have not studied enough of God’s Word (the Holy Bible) and have not been taught on the discerning of spirits.  Mature Christians hear from their heart and are not swayed by wrong emotions or wrong thoughts from their head.Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 17, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read John 7:38 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Holy Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I now let the Holy Spirit flow out of my inner being as rivers of living water. Let me pray to you in this heavenly language you have given me, for when I pray this way I know I am praying your perfect will on earth. Thank you Jesus for baptizing me in Holy Spirit.  Let me pray hours and hours worshipping you and listening to you.  Let my words be your words Lord.  In your precious and awesome name I pray.

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Footer ID: 67056700  imageFooter ID: 67056700  image headerFooter ID: 67056700  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 17, 2021

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Header ID: 54179172  imageHeader ID: 54179172  image headerHeader ID: 54179172  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: How do you distinguish between your thoughts and God’s leading?  Can strong emotions, selfishness or sin distort the way you hear God?  If God speaks to your heart, does that mean your head or does that mean He speaks to your inner being, your spirit?  How does praying for hours and hours at home help you know how the gift prophecy works when it springs up out of your inner being?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 16, 2021

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Header ID: 10030183  imageHeader ID: 10030183  image headerHeader ID: 10030183  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: In these times there has been more teaching on prayer and intercession as people are learning to pray in the Holy Spirit.  This type of prayer is very powerful as some churches started to pray and intercede for their city to stop the gang violence and crime and to bring the power of God to their city.  A drug dealer was on his way to kill someone, and as he was going by one of these churches where people knew how to pray, he felt compelled to pull into the parking lot.  He didn’t know what was overcoming him and he went inside the church while the service was on and he gave his life to Jesus Christ.  This drug dealer then confessed his sins to the police.  Many other accidents and crimes have been stopped by the Lord Jesus Christ when people will intercede!Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 16, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read Romans 8:26 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let me learn to pray in the spirit and feel the power of intercession by the power of Holy Spirit. Prayer can accomplish so much if only I believe.  Let me pray in this heavenly language often to build up my faith.  Let me pray quietly in public since non-Christians do not understand this powerful gift and often mock it.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 16, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: How do you receive the baptism of Holy Spirit with tongues as a prayer language?  Do you have any fear about receiving this gift?  Where is this fear from and why do you have this fear?  Do you think the devil would try to stop you from receiving this power gift?  How often should you pray in the Spirit?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 15, 2021

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Header ID: 11735528  imageHeader ID: 11735528  image headerHeader ID: 11735528  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: God spoke to a salesman and called him to Bible College.  He had been with a big firm for seven years and was one of the company’s top salesmen.  This man wanted God’s work and witness to be continued at this company after he left.  He set up a meeting with five other Christians where he worked, and told them that he was leaving for Bible College.  He encouraged and prayed with these 5 Christians and passed on the torch to them saying to them that they were to carry on being Jesus’ light in that workplace.  As Paul in the Holy Bible, trained Timothy to be his successor, so let us train up those behind us to do even greater things for Jesus Christ all for God’s glory!Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 15, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read John 4:34 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let me do the work that you have called me to do and say ‘It is finished’ at each stage of my life. I want to complete your work and not leave things undone.  Help me Holy Spirit to hear your plan of what you want me to accomplish as I want to do your plans with the joy of the Lord.   Help me to encourage the younger generation to see their calling in the Lord and disciple them. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Footer ID: 11220403  imageFooter ID: 11220403  image headerFooter ID: 11220403  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 15, 2021

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Header ID: 18230818  imageHeader ID: 18230818  image headerHeader ID: 18230818  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: When you leave a place or city or country, did you feel you accomplished all God wanted you to do there?  What unfinished work do you feel you can still do?  What work for God can you do in your current location?  How are you training up the next generation to be on fire for Jesus Christ?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Footer ID: 17475758  imageFooter ID: 17475758  image headerFooter ID: 17475758  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 14, 2021

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Header ID: 43909282  imageHeader ID: 43909282  image headerHeader ID: 43909282  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions:  What does it mean to worship God in spirit and in truth?  How do you worship God in spirit and in truth?  Is God seeking for worshippers right now or only once a week?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Footer ID: 59301761  imageFooter ID: 59301761  image headerFooter ID: 59301761  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 14, 2021

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Header ID: 84833409  imageHeader ID: 84833409  image headerHeader ID: 84833409  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: The Holy Scriptures are helpful for choirs and musicians not only to get the lyrics for their new worship songs but many of them get overly anxious, making sure every note is in tune fearing of making a mistake.  This self centeredness makes it harder for the worship team to spontaneously bow their knee to Jesus during the worship service because they are more concerned what others think than what Jesus Christ thinks.  On the other hand,  I have been in a service where everyone was humbly and passionately worshipping Jesus Christ, with no cares of what others thought, and a glory cloud (similar to what is described in the Old Testament) appeared in the church and was seen by all and the cloud stayed for 1.5 hours over the altar.  We all knew this was from God as His power was so evident no one wanted to go home. Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Footer ID: 11185225  imageFooter ID: 11185225  image headerFooter ID: 11185225  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 14, 2021

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Header ID: 42125364  imageHeader ID: 42125364  image headerHeader ID: 42125364  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read John 4:23 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are seeking all over this world for true worshippers. Let your search find me, worshipping you in spirit and in truth not in vain repetition.  Let me develop an ever increasing intimacy in my prayer times with you Jesus!  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Footer ID: 17915907  imageFooter ID: 17915907  image headerFooter ID: 17915907  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 13, 2021

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Header ID: 81054449  imageHeader ID: 81054449  image headerHeader ID: 81054449  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read Galatians 4:7 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Although I always want to have a servant’s heart and a servant attitude towards you, I am your child and I thank you for all the privileges that gives me. I love you Heavenly Father.  Help me obey you and seek your truth.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Footer ID: 10700168  imageFooter ID: 10700168  image headerFooter ID: 10700168  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 13, 2021

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Header ID: 88312555  imageHeader ID: 88312555  image headerHeader ID: 88312555  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: The Holy Bible says that Christians are the sons and daughters of God.  Then when a Christian man marries a Christian woman, he is to look after one of God’s daughters.  Likewise the wife is to look after one of God’s sons. This brings in a new depth to their marriage.Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Footer ID: 27932072  imageFooter ID: 27932072  image headerFooter ID: 27932072  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 13, 2021

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Header ID: 16608513  imageHeader ID: 16608513  image headerHeader ID: 16608513  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: How does your relationship with God get better if Jesus calls you His beloved son or His beloved daughter? Do you serve God out of love or obedience?  What is the difference?  What is God’s truth?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Footer ID: 19166919  imageFooter ID: 19166919  image headerFooter ID: 19166919  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 12, 2021

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Header ID: 43590177  imageHeader ID: 43590177  image headerHeader ID: 43590177  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: The Holy Scriptures says Jesus Christ came full of grace and truth.  Holy Spirit came on Jesus Christ and also on people in the book of Acts where it is written that some of the disciples were full of Holy Spirit’s gifts. I find all Christians, including myself, need refilling each day from the Lord.  We need to attend a strong church that can refill us with God’s power as we worship Him and develop an intimate prayer life passionately in love with Jesus.Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

Click On This Link For Fun Bible Game on Any Web Browser including smartphones: Fun True False Bible Game For all Ages

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Footer ID: 11017864  imageFooter ID: 11017864  image headerFooter ID: 11017864  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For December 12, 2021

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Header ID: 14193687  imageHeader ID: 14193687  image headerHeader ID: 14193687  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Please read John 1:14 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more Holy Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Your son Jesus Christ is the Word of God and Jesus, you came to this earth full of glory, grace and truth. Let me also be full of your grace and truth so that I can accomplish more for you.  Let me see that Holy Spirit will help purge me of the lusts of the world so that your power and grace can work through me for your glory. I need your help daily!  I roll all my cares over to you and ask you so help solve every problem I have with your wisdom.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

Click On This Link For Fun Bible Game on Any Web Browser including smartphones: Fun True False Bible Game For all Ages

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Footer ID: 11076719  imageFooter ID: 11076719  image headerFooter ID: 11076719  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: love, faith, hope

Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 12, 2021

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Header ID: 11820012  imageHeader ID: 11820012  image headerHeader ID: 11820012  post header
Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: Do you ask God to refill you with His love and power each day?  Are you so full of God’s anointing of Holy Spirit that it spills out over others?  How often during the day are you listening to Holy Spirit for His help?  Are you so busy that you override Holy Spirits counsel?  Do you see God wants to help you with every problem during the day?Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Footer ID: 57424419  imageFooter ID: 57424419  image headerFooter ID: 57424419  post header
Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness