Category: Holy Bible Scriptures

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For October 16 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: Some people have criticized the church for not showing love and not having any more morals than they do.  These people see one Christian denomination criticizing another denomination instead of loving them.  They say the church is a bunch of hypocrites.  Unfortunate there is no perfect church since Jesus Christ is the only one without sin.  I too was a hypocrite at one time since I was not born-again (John 3:3) nor was I 100% committed to Jesus.  I was a 1 hour a week Christian still being a people pleaser and a partier during the other 6 days a week.  In my twenties I finally became born again by Holy Spirit, committing my life fully to God in a personal relationship with Jesus, making Jesus Lord over every part of my life.  I am now a 7 day a week Christian instead of a 1 hour a week Christian.  I pray that these critical people will see that the hypocrites are often those who are not fully committed to Jesus so are not good examples.  All should look to Jesus and not people as examples.  I pray that all will fully commit their lives to Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For October 16 2020

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Jesus The Christ Loves you unconditionally.  It is time to surrender all and commit your life totally to Jesus!

Inspiration: Some people have criticized the church for not showing love and not having any more morals than they do.  These people see one Christian denomination criticizing another denomination instead of loving them.  They say the church is a bunch of hypocrites.  Unfortunate there is no perfect church since Jesus Christ is the only one without sin.  I too was a hypocrite at one time since I was not born-again (John 3:3) nor was I 100% committed to Jesus.  I was a 1 hour a week Christian still being a people pleaser and a partier during the other 6 days a week.  In my twenties I finally became born again by Holy Spirit, committing my life fully to God in a personal relationship with Jesus, making Jesus Lord over every part of my life.  I am now a 7 day a week Christian instead of a 1 hour a week Christian.  I pray that these critical people will see that the hypocrites are often those who are not fully committed to Jesus so are not good examples.  All should look to Jesus and not people as examples.  I pray that all will fully commit their lives to Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now, heal you now and forgive you now. Worship Jesus as Your Lord and Savior.  Trust Him as your Provider!
tags: godliness, holiness

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For May 27, 2020

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Please read Proverbs 1:7 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let me always revere you and listen to your knowledge rather than be a fool and miss your wisdom.  Teach me Holiness Holy Spirit to have such reverence and respect for God.  I cannot be holy by myself and that is why Jesus sent Holy Spirit to help me every hour of every day.   In Jesus’ name I pray.

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God performs the scriptures from the Holy Bible that you speak with belief and trust in God as you obey Gods Plan for your Life! Stand on The Bible promises and do not waiver in faith

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One man was going through financial stress and quoted Phil 4:19.  He said that over and over for 10 minutes and immediately felt better!

Another person quoted Psalm 23 and immediately felt faith rise up and get confidence that God will lead them and they do not need to fear the future!

Another person resisted the devil with James 4:6-8 and commanded fear to Go in Jesus name 10 times and the 10th time the fear left him!

Why are these above examples so powerful – The Holy Bible is not a history book but a spiritual book so Holy Spirit performs the scriptures that you speak with belief in your heart!

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For April 26, 2020

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Please read Hebrews 11:1-3 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I now see that faith is the material or power source which brings into existence the things that I hope for. Your Word says to walk by faith and not by sight in 2 Corinthians 5:7.   I choose to live by faith in you as you are my source in all things.  Help me to have child like faith as a child does not doubt what the Father says. James chapter 1 says if we doubt we will do without.  Help me Holy Spirit to discern doubt and then dismiss all doubt thoughts!   In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For February 9, 2020

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Please read Proverbs 3:5-6 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I choose this day to trust in you for all areas of my life and to not lean on my own understanding or background. I realize all talents and abilities are from you and I thank you for directing my paths as I give all glory to you.  Help me especially to trust you financially and for my health, as you, Jesus, are the healer.  Let me thank you every day for your goodness.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Febrary 8, 2020

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Please read Luke 8:8 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Listening is so important. Help me to pay attention in all places where your Word is being spoken. Help me to listen to your directions.  Help me to write down prophecies or impressions or scripture promises  you speak to me and date them so the devil does not steal them from me. In Jesus’ name I pray.   

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Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For February 7, 2020

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Please read Jude 24-25 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You know me because of Jesus’ sacrifice. Jesus I thank you that you are my way to the Father. Thank you for presenting me faultless by your shed blood. Thank you Holy Spirit for your truth and conviction. I am forever grateful and will praise you for eternity.  Keep me Holy by your help each day as I die to all my sinful ways and learn how to fast.    In Jesus’ name I joyously pray.

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Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For January 6, 2020

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Inspiration: A school friend ridiculed Christians for having too much money since he saw money as greed.  This friend did not realize that God wanted to bless His children in all ways so that they could be more effective for His Kingdom’s work. Greed can be conquered with Jesus’ help and replaced with a passion to use the extra money to win souls to Christ and help the poor and widows!Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Scripture and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 20, 2019

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Please read 1 Corinthians 10:9-10 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Please help me not to murmur or complain even if people have done me wrong and I am not at fault.  You are so good so help me to see all the good things you have done and stop being a complainer. Society wants to complain about everything so help me not to follow their ways.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For May 27, 2019

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Please read Proverbs 1:7 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let me always revere you and listen to your knowledge rather than be a fool and miss your wisdom.  Teach me Holiness Holy Spirit to have such reverence and respect for God.  I cannot be holy by myself and that is why Jesus sent Holy Spirit to help me every hour of every day.   In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For April 26, 2019

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Please read Hebrews 11:1-3 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I now see that faith is the material or power source which brings into existence the things that I hope for. Your Word says to walk by faith and not by sight in 2 Corinthians 5:7.   I choose to live by faith in you as you are my source in all things.  Help me to have child like faith as a child does not doubt what the Father says. James chapter 1 says if we doubt we will do without.  Help me Holy Spirit to discern doubt and then dismiss all doubt thoughts!   In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For February 9, 2019

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Please read Proverbs 3:5-6 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I choose this day to trust in you for all areas of my life and to not lean on my own understanding or background. I realize all talents and abilities are from you and I thank you for directing my paths as I give all glory to you.  Help me especially to trust you financially and for my health, as you, Jesus, are the healer.  Let me thank you every day for your goodness.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Febrary 8, 2019

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Please read Luke 8:8 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Listening is so important. Help me to pay attention in all places where your Word is being spoken. Help me to listen to your directions.  Help me to write down prophecies or impressions or scripture promises  you speak to me and date them so the devil does not steal them from me. In Jesus’ name I pray.   

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Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For February 7, 2019

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Please read Jude 24-25 or click on this link and then choose the drop down for the Bible version and language you want: Bible Learn About Jesus Christ

( Click on this link for more English Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You know me because of Jesus’ sacrifice. Jesus I thank you that you are my way to the Father. Thank you for presenting me faultless by your shed blood. Thank you Holy Spirit for your truth and conviction. I am forever grateful and will praise you for eternity.  Keep me Holy by your help each day as I die to all my sinful ways and learn how to fast.    In Jesus’ name I joyously pray.

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Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For January 6, 2019

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Inspiration: A school friend ridiculed Christians for having too much money since he saw money as greed.  This friend did not realize that God wanted to bless His children in all ways so that they could be more effective for His Kingdom’s work. Greed can be conquered with Jesus’ help and replaced with a passion to use the extra money to win souls to Christ and help the poor and widows!Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For October 16, 2018

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Inspiration: Some people have criticized the church for not showing love and not having any more morals than they do.  These people see one Christian denomination criticizing another denomination instead of loving them.  They say the church is a bunch of hypocrites.  Unfortunate there is no perfect church since Jesus Christ is the only one without sin.  I too was a hypocrite at one time since I was not born-again (John 3:3) nor was I 100% committed to Jesus.  I was a 1 hour a week Christian still being a people pleaser and a partier during the other 6 days a week.  In my twenties I finally became born again committing my life fully to God in a personal relationship with Jesus, making Jesus Lord over every part of my life.  I am now a 7 day a week Christian instead of a 1 hour a week Christian.  I pray that these critical people will see that the hypocrites are often those who are not fully committed to Jesus so are not good examples.  All should look to Jesus and not people as examples.  I pray that all will fully commit their lives to Christ and that all the Christian denominations will work together as a team under one captain, Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 23, 2018

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: Don’t withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do it. (Proverbs 3:27)

World English Bible (WEB)

( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let me act like you do by giving to those in need as you have given to me in abundance. Show me where I can help as there are many that are hungry and poor in this world. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Scripture and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 20, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: We must not put Christ to the test, as some of them did and were destroyed by serpents, nor grumble, as some of them did and were destroyed by the Destroyer. (1 Corinthians 10:9-10)

( English Standard Version (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV Permanent Text Edition (2016). Copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.)

( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Please help me not to murmur or complain even if people have done me wrong and I am not at fault.  You are so good so help me to see all the good things you have done and stop being a complainer. Society wants to complain about everything so help me not to follow their ways.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life
tags: love, faith, hope

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For June 9, 2018

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Jesus The Christ – Study The Holy Bible
Scripture: One who is slow to anger is better than the mighty; one who rules his spirit, than he who takes a city. (Proverbs 16:32)

World English Bible (WEB)

( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Help me to never shoot off my mouth in anger or frustration. Help my emotions and my words so I do not make mistakes. I choose to forgive all those who have hurt me in Jesus’ name with your strength Lord since it is hard to do things in my strength.   In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ – Love and Forgiveness For You

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For June 9, 2018

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You
Scripture: One who is slow to anger is better than the mighty; one who rules his spirit, than he who takes a city. (Proverbs 16:32)

World English Bible (WEB)

( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Help me to never shoot off my mouth in anger or frustration. Help my emotions and my words so I do not make mistakes. I choose to forgive all those who have hurt me in Jesus’ name with your strength Lord since it is hard to do things in my strength.   In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For May 27, 2018

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7)

( English Standard Version (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV Permanent Text Edition (2016). Copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.)

( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let me always revere you and listen to your knowledge rather than be a fool and miss your wisdom.  Teach me Holiness Holy Spirit to have such reverence and respect for God.  I cannot be holy by myself and that is why Jesus sent Holy Spirit to help me every hour of every day.   In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life
tags: love, faith, hope

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For May 25, 2018

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

World English Bible (WEB)

( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let me pray in Holy Spirit about issues until I get your peace. Clean up my mind so I only think of your thoughts, not thoughts of doubt, unbelief and fear.  Let me sing or hum songs of praise to you all day long to be full of your presence and joy and peace.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Apr 26, 2018

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, proof of things not seen. For by this, the elders obtained testimony. By faith, we understand that the universe has been framed by the word of God, so that what is seen has not been made out of things which are visible. (Hebrews 11:1-3)

World English Bible (WEB)

( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I now see that faith is the material or power source which brings into existence the things that I hope for. Your Word says to walk by faith and not by sight in 2 Corinthians 5:7.   I choose to live by faith in you as you are my source in all things.  Help me to have child like faith as a child does not doubt what the Father says. James chapter 1 says if we doubt we will do without.  Help me Holy Spirit to discern doubt and then dismiss all doubt thoughts!   In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Feb 9, 2018

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: Trust in Yahweh (God) with all your heart, and don’t lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

World English Bible (WEB)

( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I choose this day to trust in you for all areas of my life and to not lean on my own understanding or background. I realize all talents and abilities are from you and I thank you for directing my paths as I give all glory to you.  Help me especially to trust you financially and for my health, as you, Jesus, are the healer.  Let me thank you every day for your goodness.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Feb 8, 2018

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: Other fell into the good ground, and grew, and produced one hundred times as much fruit.” As he said these things, he called out, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” (Luke 8:8)

World English Bible (WEB)

( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Listening is so important. Help me to pay attention in all places where your Word is being spoken. Help me to listen to your directions.  Help me to write down prophecies or impressions or scripture promises  you speak to me and date them so the devil does not steal them from me. In Jesus’ name I pray.   

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Feb 7, 2018

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: Now to him who is able to keep them from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory in great joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen. (Jude 24-25)

World English Bible (WEB)

( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You know me because of Jesus’ sacrifice. Jesus I thank you that you are my way to the Father. Thank you for presenting me faultless by your shed blood. Thank you Holy Spirit for your truth and conviction. I am forever grateful and will praise you for eternity.  Keep me Holy by your help each day as I die to all my sinful ways and learn how to fast.    In Jesus’ name I joyously pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For Jan 6, 2018

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

8Inspiration: A school friend ridiculed Christians for having too much money since he saw money as greed.  This friend did not realize that God wanted to bless His children in all ways so that they could be more effective for His Kingdom’s work. Greed can be conquered with Jesus’ help and replaced with a passion to use the extra money to win souls to Christ and help the poor and widows!

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For 16, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Inspiration: Some people have criticized the church for not showing love and not having any more morals than they do.  These people see one Christian denomination criticizing another denomination instead of loving them.  They say the church is a bunch of hypocrites.  Unfortunate there is no perfect church since Jesus Christ is the only one without sin.  I too was a hypocrite at one time since I was not born-again (John 3:3) nor was I 100% committed to Jesus.  I was a 1 hour a week Christian still being a people pleaser and a partier during the other 6 days a week.  In my twenties I finally became born again committing my life fully to God in a personal relationship with Jesus, making Jesus Lord over every part of my life.  I am now a 7 day a week Christian instead of a 1 hour a week Christian.  I pray that these critical people will see that the hypocrites are often those who are not fully committed to Jesus so are not good examples.  All should look to Jesus and not people as examples.  I pray that all will fully commit their lives to Christ and that all the Christian denominations will work together as a team under one captain, Jesus Christ. 

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Oct 12, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)

World English Bible (WEB)

( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank you that you have given me victory in every area of my life for your purposes. Holy Spirit I need your help to renew my mind to think on scripture promises and not the worries and anxieties that the world has.   Let me believe this victory you have won over the devil for me Jesus, act on it, talk about it and give you all the glory.  I pray I may also learn that you have given to me and the church the keys to the kingdom of heaven to be used now for your plans and glory!    In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Oct 11, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. (Colossians 4:6)

World English Bible (WEB)

( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: )

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let my speech be so filled with your grace, your wisdom, your power, and your ability that I may answer on your behalf and not on my behalf. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Oct 10, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: Let no one seek his own, but each one his neighbor’s good. (1 Corinthians 10:24)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, This scripture is so contrary to the ways of the world. Let me stop being so selfish and caught up in my own needs. Let me start praying and blessing others.  Let me look also to their spiritual well being that my neighbors would commit their lives to Jesus Christ to be saved and rescued from hell.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Oct 9, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he will exalt you. (James 4:10)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, I humble myself before you and acknowledge that I (and all people) am made of the dust of the earth.  I ask you to forgive me all off my sins as I run back into your arms of love and acceptance based on what Jesus’ did on the cross for me.  I repent and I ask Holy Spirit’s power to help me clean up my bad habits.  It is only by you Jesus that I can become part of your family and inherit every promise in the Bible. Thank you for reminding me that I am nothing without you. In your name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Oct 8, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:24)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let me prepare myself before going to church to worship you in spirit and in truth, casting out all distractions. Let me think of the meaning of the words I am singing to you and not to sing in vain repetition.  Let me close my eyes during worship (to stop all distractions) and thank you for all the good things you have done for me.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Oct 7, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You

Scripture: They had a few small fish. Having blessed them, he said to serve these also. They ate, and were filled. They took up seven baskets of broken pieces that were left over. Those who had eaten were about four thousand. Then he sent them away. (Mark 8:7-9)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, Jesus wanted the disciples to feed the multitude but they did not believe it was possible. Please remove all unbelief from me, and teach me to feed the hungry by your plan and not with my natural understanding. Teach me to believe in these type of miracles for your glory. Let everyone look to you as their source and not their job or their government or other people as their source. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Aug 4, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: When pride comes, then comes shame, but with humility comes wisdom. (Proverbs 11:2)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, Give me discernment to see how pride tries to slip into my life and my words, making me boast. I desire to be humble and know your wisdom. Teach me to hate pride since it is evil in your sight.  Let me always remember each day is a gift from you, each heart beat is a gift from you,a and all talents and abilities also come from you Lord!  In Jesus’ name I pray

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Aug 3, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me for his heavenly Kingdom; to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. (2 Timothy 4:18)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, I believe this promise which says you shall deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for heaven as I follow and obey your Word. Thank you Jesus that I have nothing to fear when I call out your name Jesus and worship you.  I rebuke all the devil’s lies off my life. Let me discern that the devil is the father of all lies. Let me remember your goodness. In your name I pray.    

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Aug 2, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; singing, and making melody in your heart to the Lord; (Ephesians 5:19)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let my soul sing worship songs to you all the day long and let my spirit praise you all the night long while I am sleeping.  I need to thank you for the things I see you have done for me and for the things I don’t see, that you have done for me, since I know your angels are looking after me.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For Aug 1, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: I love those who love me. Those who seek me diligently will find me. (Proverbs 8:17)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, I love you and I want to seek you diligently. I thank you that you are always ready to hear me and talk with me. Thank you for being the Great Creator of this universe and still having time to meet with me individually.  Teach me to have a passionate love for you in my prayer life looking forward to our time together and not rushing it.  I am forever grateful. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 31, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: To this end the Son of God was revealed: that he might destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, One of the reasons Jesus came to the earth was to destroy the works of the devil. I command all the works of the devil to be destroyed in the areas of our health, our home and our finances.  Help me Holy Spirit to daily rebuke the devil off my life so I can be used of you to help rebuke the devil off others lives to set them free from the sinful bondages that they got caught in.   In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 30, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: He who commits adultery with a woman is void of understanding. He who does it destroys his own soul. (Proverbs 6:32)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am seeing the seriousness of the sin of adultery as it destroys the soul. Give me strength to stand against adultery and warn others of its serious consequences. I pray for all the youth that they will not fall because of peer pressure but keep themselves pure for you.  I pray for healing through Jesus for all those who have had an abortion since the abortionists never address that issue and let women stay in condemnation for decades after their abortion.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 29, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: For a prostitute reduces you to a piece of bread. The adulteress hunts for your precious life. (Proverbs 6:26)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let me be on guard with my eyes to see the evil and torment behind someone that looks so good on the outside yet can be so evil on the inside. I ask you to protect our family from this type of evil, by your blood Jesus.  Help me Holy Spirit each day to stop watching tv, movies, or internet programs that have ungodly images on them.  In your name I pray.   

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 28, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: He called to himself his twelve disciples, and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every sickness. (Matthew 10:1)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, This is a gift from you that you have given to the church for all who believe not just the leader of the church.  I choose to believe you want to give power against evil to all your church members. I ask that I may I receive it now and start acting upon it and doing your work to help a hurting world. In Jesus’ name I pray.      

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 27, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: For the ways of man are before Yahweh’s (God’s) eyes. He examines all his paths. (Proverbs 5:21)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are watching all my ways. There is nothing hidden from you. Please direct my ways in your righteousness. I choose to follow your path and plan you have for my life and I need Holy Spirit to warn me if I go off your path.  In Jesus’ name I pray.     

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 26, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: This I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and all discernment; (Philippians 1:9)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let my love increase more and more in knowledge and in your point of view. Thank you Jesus for increasing my faith in your Holy promises and increasing my love towards you and all people. In your name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 25, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: But the path of the righteous is like the dawning light, that shines more and more until the perfect day. (Proverbs 4:18)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, My path is as the shining light. Let me shine for you brighter and brighter every day. Let me smile and have a joyful countenance as that is a witness for Jesus if we have show the joy of the Lord all the time. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 24, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the throwing down of strongholds, throwing down imaginations and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, I ask for discernment to quickly recognize thoughts of the devil, thoughts of my own fleshly nature and thoughts from you. I also command my mind not to dwell on lustful thoughts but to think your thoughts as I mediate in the Holy Scriptures each day. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 23, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: Don’t withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do it. (Proverbs 3:27)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let me act like you do by giving to those in need as you have given to me in abundance. Show me where I can help as there are many that are hungry and poor in this world. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 22, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: My son, don’t forget my teaching; but let your heart keep my commandments: for length of days, and years of life, and peace, will they add to you. (Proverbs 3:1-2)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, Give me a mind that will not forget your Word and keep your commandments.  Holy Spirit please bring all things to my remembrance so I do all God’s will.  Thank you for long life and peace. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 21, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: For where jealousy and selfish ambition are, there is confusion and every evil deed. (James 3:16)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, Let me stop gossip and strife for it brings confusion and evils tricks of the devil. I pray that all Christians will see how serious this can be so they can pray in unity and rebuke controlling and strife attitudes in their family, church and place of business. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scripture and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 20, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: Let us not test Christ, as some of them tested, and perished by the serpents. Don’t grumble, as some of them also grumbled, and perished by the destroyer. (1 Corinthians 10:9-10)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, Please help me not to murmur or complain even if people have done me wrong and I am not at fault.  You are so good so help me to see all the good things you have done and stop being a complainer. Society wants to complain about everything so help me not to follow their ways.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 19, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but one who keeps the law is blessed. (Proverbs 29:18)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, I ask for a vision of divine health, a vision of your abundance to help my family and others in need, a vision of Holy Spirit’s power and the help of angels to advance God’s kingdom at a rapid pace,  a vision of what specifics you want me to do for you and how to love you more, admire you more and worship you intimately. When I go to heaven, I don’t want to find out I died too early and missed what you had for me to do on the earth. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 18, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: We are therefore ambassadors on behalf of Christ, as though God were entreating by us: we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. (2 Corinthians 5:20)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, An ambassador is one that represents someone else so I want to be your ambassador to represent you, so people will come to have a personal relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior and learn to share the love of Jesus with boldness and compassion and never with condemnation. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 17, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: Don’t you know that you are a temple of God, and that God’s Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is holy, which you are (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, as a Christian, my body is the temple where you reside. Please help me clean up the bad habits in my body as I ask for your grace and the Power of Holy Spirit every day to make it pure in your eyes.  I know I will need to learn to fast to have my spirit rule over my flesh since the flesh wants the lusts of the world at times.  This also means to stop letting impure thoughts get into my mind from the TV and internet.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 16, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: Praise Yah (God) ! Blessed is the man who fears Yahweh (God), who delights greatly in his commandments. His offspring will be mighty in the land. The generation of the upright will be blessed. (Psalms 112:1-2)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, I choose to worship you and delight in your commandments in the Bible.  I reverence your Holy Scriptures and look forward to our times together Jesus making it priority one in my life. As I teach my children your ways, I know my seed will be mighty upon the earth. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 15, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: Oh how great is your goodness, which you have laid up for those who fear you, which you have worked for those who take refuge in you, before the sons of men! (Psalms 31:19)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are so good to me.  Let me get it into my head that you are so good since all bad things are from the devil and good things from you. I thank you Lord.  You are so great and gracious towards me.  I will worship you all the days of my life.  In Jesus’ name I pray.     

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 14, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: Whoever offers the sacrifice of thanksgiving glorifies me, and prepares his way so that I will show God’s salvation to him. (Psalms 50:23)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, I will offer praise to glorify you. Please help me clean up my conversation and words so I will speak with purity and truth. I ask for the baptism of Holy Spirit so I can pray for hours in my heavenly language in my private room and then be still and know that you are God.  Help me also to worship you more and grow in intimacy in my prayer life listening to your heart and your priorities as I journal and review my journal to make sure I do the things you say!  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 13, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: Therefore I urge you, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service. Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:1-2)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, I present myself to you. Please don’t let me copy the world’s lustful ways but change my mind to your will by reading the Bible every day. I want your perfect will in my life for you are the source of joy and happiness and I will receive the most when I’m in your perfect will. I surrender all to you Jesus including my future and my passions and my body cravings so that you would help me through fasting and a passionate prayer life, become more like you every day by the grace and power of Holy Spirit.   In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 12, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: Wait for Yahweh (God). Be strong, and let your heart take courage. Yes, wait for Yahweh (God). (Psalms 27:14)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, I will wait on you in prayer and be strong and courageous.  Not being courageous means we are fearing the future or the devil’s lies, so help us be bold to do your Will.   I believe you will strengthen me according to this scripture. Teach me to pray and wait silently on you so that I can hear your direction and encouragement and be a doer of your will and not a hearer only. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life

Scriptures and Prayers To Jesus Christ For July 11, 2017

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Jesus The Christ Is Savior

Scripture: I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his children begging for bread. (Psalms 37:25)

World English Bible (WEB)

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Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank you for this promise that those that follow you in righteousness will never go hungry nor will their children ever go hungry.  Help me to listen to Holy Spirit as Holy Spirit is maybe asking me to move to a different job or city to get the provisions God has for me there as long as I can spiritually feed my family there also.  In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Eternal Life