Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For June 20, 2018

Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You
Discussion Questions: How does sin affect your relationship with Jesus? How does sin narrow your focus for your ministry? How do you get strength from His Word to overcome temptation? Grace is God’s power working in your to do what you cannot do by yourself, helping you say no to temptation How do you let the full power of Holy Spirit and His grace flow through you daily so you can teach your flesh to hate the very appearance of all evil? Have you received the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire? What is holding you back from receiving all God has for you?
Click On This Link For Video Selections: https://servantsforjesus.org/videos-by-group/ .
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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life
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