Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For September 23 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Discussion Questions: If you are a manager, do you treat all your employees fairly?  If you are not a manager, do you pray for your manager that he or she will act in a Godly manner?  If you are a homemaker do you pay the people that do jobs for you at home a decent wage?  As a home maker, do you do see raising Godly children as one of the highest callings on earth? Group Discussion Questions About Jesus Christ

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

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