Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 10, 2020

Jesus The Christ Loves you unconditionally. It is time to surrender all and commit your life totally to Jesus!
Inspiration: Many women have a problem with the word ‘submit’ in this scripture and many men have a problem with loving their wives as Jesus Christ loves the church. However Christian counselors help explain that submitting does not mean for the wife to be a doormat but to submit to the husband’s role of priest in the home. If the husband takes this role and loves and cherishes his wife, couples can flow together in their God given roles. A wife that prays with great faith that her husband and herself will be one in unity with the ways of the Lord, has an easy time with submission since she is submitting to the same plans the Lord has for both of them as a couple!
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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now, heal you now and forgive you now. Worship Jesus as Your Lord and Savior. Trust Him as your Provider!
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