Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 7, 2020

Jesus The Christ Loves you unconditionally. It is time to surrender all and commit your life totally to Jesus!
Inspiration: One Bible teacher told us the difference between Christianity and other world religions. He said the world religions are based on doing certain rituals or believing in some leader who is dead and buried. Christianity is very different. Jesus Christ is God’s only Son sent because God loved the world so much. Jesus Christ lived a perfect life without sin, and laid down His life to be the sacrificial offering to redeem all mankind’s sins. Jesus’ resurrection from the dead proved eternal life. Christianity is not a set of rituals but a personal relationship with God where Jesus Christ loves us constantly and unconditionally and sins are forgiven. It is a love relationship where you do things for God out of love not doing things to earn right standing with God for no one can be saved by just good works or self-righteousness! Today there are billions of Christians world wide and millions of churches all because of 1 man, Jesus Christ, who’s pure innocent blood was shed on the cross for your remission of sins. Read John 14:1-6.
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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now, heal you now and forgive you now. Worship Jesus as Your Lord and Savior. Trust Him as your Provider!
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