Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For Jan 13, 2018

Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You
Inspiration: We were sharing Jesus in the poor areas of town when we came across a lady who had polio for the last 42 years as she contracted the disease when she was a baby. Polio had struck her arm which made it very skinny and her hand was like a claw which could not pick up anything. She asked for the Baptism of Holy Spirit. After she received that she had great faith to receive a miracle for her skinny arm. We prayed for her and Jesus healed her polio before our eyes. She went a picked up something with her hand the first time in 42 years! We visited her again and she showed us the miracle again as she was holding a potato in her healed hand, something she had never done before in her life.
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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life
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