Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For March 27, 2021

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Jesus The Christ Loves you unconditionally.  It is time to surrender all and commit your life totally to Jesus!

Inspiration: A missionary in the Philippines became very sick.  In America, a lady was awakened by the Lord in the middle of the night asking her to pray in the spirit for this missionary although she had no knowledge of why she was praying for him.  He was healed of his disease and when he came back to America to share in his America church how he was healed,  the lady that had prayed for him asked him the exact time and date of his pain.  As he shared with her, she told him that was the exact time the Lord Jesus Christ had asked her to pray for him.Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now, heal you now and forgive you now. Worship Jesus as Your Lord and Savior.  Trust Him as your Provider!
tags: godliness, holiness

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