Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For September 29 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: So many non-Christians I meet divert the issue of asking Jesus into their hearts by saying, “What about the other religions in the World?” This scripture says each of us must give our own account to God on whether we have accepted Jesus, confessing Him as Lord and Savior over every area of our lives, or whether we have ignored Him.  No other religions in the world has their King say on the cross, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”.  No other religions in the world has Jesus express His incredible love for you and desire to heal you, and deliver you from the powers of Satan!  Christianity is so different than any religion.  Jesus Christ rose from the dead and desires a personal relationship with each person not a set of self-righteous morals.  We cannot enter heaven by our own good deeds or morals.  You enter a holy heaven having your sins forgiven by Jesus Christ and by following Christ’s example and God’s plan for your life! Read John 14:6 and Acts 4:12.  Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

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